Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

Making Participant Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and AI Ready for his Work

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4 Week Professional Certification Training

Certified Water Utility Restructuring Professional

(Full Project Cycle)

Building Professional Certification Skills & Competencies in

  1. Developing & Short-listing Strategic Options
  2. Preparing Detailed Projections & Risk Assessments
  3. Preparing Implementation Plans
  4. Building & Implementing a Near Real Time Water Utility Restructuring Management System

Training Dates Certification Programs

15 July - 9 Aug 2024
New Delhi
29 July - 23 Aug 2024
12 Aug - 6 Sept 2024
New York
26 Aug-20 Sept 2024
9 Sept - 4 Oct 2024
23 Sept-18 Oct 2024
New Delhi
7 Oct - 1 Nov 2024
21 Oct-15 Nov 2024
New Delhi
4-29 Nov 2024
18 Nov- 13 Dec 2024
New York
2-27 Dec 2024
Seattle, USA
16 Dec 2024 -10 Jan 2025
30 Dec 2024- 24 Jan 2025
6-31 Jan 2025
20 Jan-14 Feb 2025
3-28 Feb 2025
17 Feb-14 March 2025
New York
2-27 March 2025
Seattle, USA
16 March-10 April 2025
30 March-24 April 2025
New York
13 April-8 May 2025
27 April-22 May 2025
11 May-5 June 2025
London 25 May-19 June 2025

Useful Links

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Certification Program Overview

  1. This Water Utility Restructuring Professional Certification Program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become competent professionals in this key project sector. The program offers comprehensive multi-discipline training in various Water Utility Restructuring business models, contracts, methodologies, technologies, digital transformation, Data Analytics and AI Leveraging, project management, policy frameworks, and sustainable practices. It aims to address the increasing global demand for skilled individuals capable of driving the Project needs including digital transformation.
  2. To earn the Water Utility Restructuring Professional Certification, participants will be required to undergo a comprehensive assessment that may include written exams, practical projects, and presentations. The evaluation process ensures that candidates have acquired the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work effectively in the Water Utility Restructuring industry.
  3. Benefits of the Program: Acquire a broad and practical understanding of Water Utility Restructuring business models, contract conditions, feasibility gap filling strategies, operation and maintenance methodologies, technologies, Gain expertise in Water Utility Restructuring formulation, implementation, development and management, Enhance employability and career prospects in Water Utility Restructuring sector, Contribute to industry standards, good and best practices, Network with industry professionals and experts, and, Access resources and opportunities for further professional development.
  4. Insights and Experiences of experts and professionals from the Water Utility Restructuring sector will be shared with the participants. These inputs offer valuable industry perspectives, and foster a deeper understanding of the current trends and challenges in the field.
  5. During the Program participants will undertake a capstone project that integrates the knowledge gained throughout the program. They will undertake a Water Utility Restructuring project, plan it from A to Z, analyze its benefits, innovate in formulation and implementation, check strategic alignment, consider Return on Investment, consider societal implications, and propose a business plan. The capstone project serves as a practical demonstration of their abilities to apply learned concepts in real-world project scenarios.
  6. To support flexible learning, the program may provide access to an online learning platform where participants can access course materials, lectures, discussion forums, and supplementary resources. This platform enables self-paced learning, allowing individuals to balance their studies with other commitments.
  7. To ensure that Water Utility Restructuring certified professionals remain up-to-date with latest advancements in the field, the program will require the participants to earn 1 week continuing education credits every three years. This Certification maintenance process supports ongoing professional growth and demonstrates a commitment to staying current in the field.

What is Covered in this Program

  1. This program provides the Water Utility Restructuring Certification participant the essential Understanding, Competencies, Skills, Process Knowledge and Management Guidance to perform his Water Utility Restructuring Professional Assignment in an effective, efficient, customer focused manner, always targeting for Meeting the Operational & Strategic Objectives.
  2. This is a comprehensive program. Program Topics will be discussed in great detail during the 4 weeks, to ensure the participants gains a full Multi-Discipline Multi-Stakeholder Latest-Technology Equipped Understanding of the Water Utility Restructuring Processes he will be required to Plan, Execute, Supervise or Manage. This program provides the participant the understanding, knowledge, skills, competencies, and implementation level detailed skills for Water Utility Restructuring for increasing Stakeholder Satisfaction, Productivity, Profitability, or possible preparation for Privatization.
  3. The program will build understanding of possible applicable Strategies for Water Utility Restructuring. This program will also discuss the methodology for analysis of the various possible Water Utility Restructuring Business Models.
  4. Program will discuss the methodologies for Developing & Short-listing chosen Strategic Options. The program will discuss Preparing Implementation Plans for the Water Utility Restructuring. The participant will also learn how to Prepare Detailed Projections & Risk Assessments for the Implementation Plans.
  5. The program will discuss the Building & Implementation of a Near Real Time Water Utility Restructuring Project Management System. Participant will prepare a Detailed Improvement Action Plan to Implement a Possible Water Utility Restructuring Project in his organization.
  6. This program will address Restructuring to solve any combination of Existing Water Utility issues including

    (1) Supply-side and demand-side: aging infrastructure, declining quantity and or quality of water resources, increasing unpredictability of water resource availability (related to climate change), restricted access to water sources stemming from environmental protection measures, growing per capita demand, growing population, consumer expectations for higher levels of service, increasingly stringent water quality standards, high percentage of unaccounted for water (primarily leaks).
    (2) Financial: lack of funding for infrastructure renewals and replacement, past under-investment in infrastructure renewals and maintenance, water prices set below sustainable levels (do not support full lifecycle cost recovery), lack of reliable funding sources, dependence upon ad hoc government funding Governance, inefficient management, low transparency, poor accountability, absence of input mechanism for consumers into decision-making, lack of managerial autonomy of utility.

Who Should Attend?

  1. This program is intended for Professionals, Consultants and Managers interested in Getting Certified Professional Job Competencies, Skills and Job Skills in Water Utility Restructuring.
  2. This program is also intended for Water Utility Business Consultants, Merger & Acquisition Professionals, PPP Professionals and Business Development Professionals.

Program Content & Modules

Certified Water Utility Restructuring Professional (Full Project Cycle)

  1. Business Aspects of Deregulating the Water Utility
  2. Business Aspects of Promoting Investment in Water Utility
  3. Social Aspects of a Privatized Deregulated Water Utility Market
  4. Legal and Regulatory Aspects
  5. Restructuring Business Models

    (1) Delegated management to a private operator
    (2) Corporatization of services provision
    (3) Delegated management to a public operator
    (4) A municipal commission
    (5) A municipal Business Unit
    (6) A municipal department
  6. Operational Autonomy
  7. Financial Autonomy & Assured Funding Sources
  8. Accountability
  9. Customer Orientation
  10. Market Orientation
  11. Transparency
  12. Separate the assets, liabilities, workforce, costs and revenues
  13. Modest Restructuring Models

    (1) Creating a performance plan with measurable deliverables
    (2) Creating a performance contract between the utility and the municipality or relevant agency
    (3) Creating a structure for monitoring performance, separate from the municipality
    (4) Creating incentives for management to meet and out-perform performance plan, such as bonuses
    (5) Institutional capacity building Training management to meet performance standards, out-perform, recruiting new or Additional management with relevant expertise
    (6) Enhanced customer involvement and attention to customer concerns.
  14. Water Utility Restructuring bringing Transparency into Existing Operations by Creating Separate Reporting Units

    (1) Creating a separate unit within the municipality or department with workforce specifically allocated to the unit
    (2) Separate accounts drawn up for the utility with clearly defined budget allocation and greater transparency regarding actual costs of operation
    (3) Allocation of portion of municipal debt and cost of servicing that debt
    (4) Allocating a portion of revenues to that service
    (5) Creating a clear reporting structure
  15. More Complex Restructuring Models bringing in Private Players and Businesses
  16. Legal, Regulatory and Dispute resolution framework
  17. Regulator Appointment and Empowerment
  18. Implementation of Good Practices in Utility Operators
  19. Implementation of Benchmarked Best Practices in Utility Operators
  20. Creating a Level Playing Field for New Investors & Entrants
  21. Sharing Infrastructure Rules & Regulations
  22. Pricing Systems for Water and Pipeline Infrastructure Usage
  23. The Water Utility Market
  24. Deregulated Contract Structures
  25. Encouraging Water Conservation & Harvesting
  26. Facilitation of National Strategy for Water Utilities
  27. Handling Peak Demands
  28. Handling different Water Utility Cost Structures
  29. Remedying Economic Feasibility Gaps for New Water Utilities in Priority Areas
  30. Handling Stranded Costs (unrecoverable dues)
  31. Process for Government to Issue Water Supply Guidelines
  32. A step-by-step Roadmap for Water Utility Market Restructuring
  33. A step-by-step Roadmap for Privatization of Government & Municipal Owned Utilities
  34. Ensuring Coordination and cooperation between Water Utility Companies, New Entrant Utility Companies, Industry Leaders, Social Pressure Groups and Government.
  35. Special Government Policy Implementation Issues

    (1) Concessional Tariffs for Smaller Consumers
    (2) Extension of Water Network to Remote Areas
    (3) Extension of Networks to National Priority Areas
    (4) Promoting Local Industry & Business...
  36. Underground Water Aspects
  37. Sharing of Water Resources in Reservoirs and Rivers
  38. Market Coordination & Oversight Arrangements
  39. Not-for-Profit Independent System Operators
  40. Water Main Lines & Plants Network Management Responsibility Allocation
  41. Environment Protection
  42. Promotion of Water Conservation
  43. Positive & Negative Incentives for Water Conservation & Sustainability
  44. Value Engineering of Water Utility Market
  45. Evaluating Performance of Deregulator Water Utility Market
  46. Deeper Insights into Water Utility Restructuring Skills & Competencies
  47. Workshop 1
  48. Developing a Water Utility Restructuring Risk Management Plan
  49. Developing a Water Utility Restructuring Early Warning Systems to Identify Emerging Risks & Opportunities
  50. Professional Level Insights into Water Utility Restructuring Processes & Decisions
  51. Workshop 2
  52. Getting Management Support for Stakeholder Focused Water Utility Restructuring Management System
  53. Documenting Water Utility Restructuring Good Management Practices
  54. Reviewing & Applying (where applicable) Best Benchmarked Water Utility Restructuring Practices
  55. Developing Water Utility Restructuring Standard Operating Procedures SOPs
  56. Framework for a Water Utility Restructuring Knowledge System
  57. Building a Knowledge System to support Water Utility Restructuring Projects
  58. Workshop 3
  59. Advanced Water Utility Restructuring Performance Monitoring & Reporting System
  60. Developing Stakeholder Focused Meaningful KPIs for Water Utility Restructuring Performance Reporting
  61. Getting Management Support for Approving Organizational Targeted Water Utility Restructuring Strategic Objectives
  62. Developing a Water Utility Restructuring Performance Evaluation System
  63. Data Analytic System to Support Real Time or Near Real Time Decision Making on Water Utility Restructuring Projects
  64. Artificial Intelligence Methods for Proactive Decision Support Insights, Decision Suggestions & Possible Automated Decisions on Water Utility Restructuring Projects
  65. Workshop 4
  66. Setting Up a Water Utility Restructuring Communication, Briefing, Coaching System
  67. Building a Water Utility Restructuring Skill & Competency Evaluation System
  68. Developing and Implementing a Water Utility Restructuring Business Unit Strategic Plan
  69. Water Utility Restructuring Professional Certification Written Tests
  70. Water Utility Restructuring Professional Certification Interviews
  71. Program Recommendations
  72. Detailed Personalized Water Utility Restructuring Project Improvement Action Plan



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