Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

Specific Job Related Process Knowledge and Skills

Including Leveraging the Best of Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence AI on his Job
Audio version brochure
2 Weeks of Process Good & Best Practices

Procurement/Tendering Phase PPP/Build Operate Transfer Processes

Building Hands-on Skills & Competencies in

  1. Building Project Objectives into Contracts
  2. Market Friendly Contract Requirements
  3. Ensuring VfM & Affordable Project
  4. Contributing to Organizational Knowledge Buildup

2 Week Job Process Good & Best Practices Training

15-26 July 2024
New Delhi
29 July - 9 Aug 2024
12-23 Aug 2024
New York
26 Aug-6 Sept 2024
9-20 Sept 2024
23 Sept-4 Oct 2024
New Delhi
7-18 Oct 2024
21 Oct-1 Nov 2024
New Delhi
4-15 Nov 2024
18-29 Nov 2024
New York
2-13 Dec 2024
Seattle, USA
16-27 Dec 2024
30 Dec 2024- 10 Jan 2025
6-17 Jan 2025
20-31 Jan 2025
3-14 Feb 2025
17-28 Feb 2025
New York
2-13 March 2025
Seattle, USA
16-27 March 2025
30 March-10 April 2025
New York
13-24 April 2025
27 April-8 May 2025
11-22 May 2025
25 May-5 June 2025

Useful Links

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What is Covered in this Workshop?

  1. This program provides the participants the Process Knowledge and Associated Management Skills for Performing Day-to-Day Tasks on Procurement Phase (From RFP to Financial Closure) of BOOT and PPP Projects. This program will follow a Step-by-Step Approach for Finding Worldwide Bidders, Preparing Friendly and Comprehensive Prequalification Documents, Strongly Encouraging Value Engineering by Bidders, Life Cycle Cost and Strategic Objectives based Evaluation of Bids, and Ensuring a Smooth Path to Financial Closure.
  2. For each Key Procurement Stage Process (Pre-Financial Closure) the Participants will understand the Essential Professional Vocabulary, the Day-to-Day Work Processes, the Objectives and KPIs for Each Key Process, the Checklists and Forms to Use for Accuracy & Completeness, the Self-Supervisory-Audit Controls to Ensure Doing it Right First Time, the Essential Communications and Feedback to stay on the Right Track, and Sub-process for Continually Improving the Work Process. The participant will also learn how to Transfer the Key Knowledge from this Phase to the Team Responsible for the Project Implementation Phase.

Who Should Attend?

  1. This program is intended as Essential Process Knowledge and Associated Management Skills for all Procurement BOOT and PPP Project Professionals.
  2. This program will also be very useful for BOOT and PPP Proposal Development, Contract Drafting, Project Administration & other Legal Staff, Advisors, Consultants, Bidders and Project Managers.

Program Content & Modules

Procurement/Tendering Phase BOT/PPP Processes

  1. Understanding the Business Aspects of BOT/PPP Projects
  2. BOT/PPP Project Applicability & Advantages
  3. Examples for Each Type of BOT/PPP Models
  4. BOT/PPP Key Vocabulary
  5. Role of the PPP Project Parties Authority, Private Party, Equity Investors, Lenders
  6. Quick Review of the Project Proposal Stage
  7. Quick Overview of Project Procurement Phase
  8. Identifying Interested Bidders
  9. Inviting EOI & RFP
  10. PPP Procurement Strategy
  11. Preparing the Bid Documents
  12. Drafting the PPP/ BOT Contract
  13. Arranging the Bidders Conference
  14. Bid Evaluation
  15. Value for Money Analysis
  16. Recommending the Preferred Bidder
  17. Negotiating Reservations and Changes
  18. Management Approval
  19. Addressing Management Concerns
  20. BOT/PPP Contract Award
  21. Signing the Contract Agreemenet
  22. Conditions Precedent & Financial Close
  23. Essential Communication & Consultations
  24. Effectively Using Transactional Advisors
  25. BOT/PPP Procurement Good Management Practices
  26. PPP Procurement Best Benchmarked Practices
  27. Training of Procurement Evaluation Team
  28. Hiring of Transactional Consultants
  29. Build a Knowledgebase and Database to Assist Performing and Auditing PPP Procurement Processes
  30. Ideas for PPP Procurement Real Time Performance Management Systems
  31. Procurement Phase Value Engineering Process
  32. Ensuring Effective Communication, Involvement and Coordinating with Stakeholders
  33. Ensuring Diligent Procurement Inputs, Need Collection and other Data Collection
  34. Minimum Agenda & Methodology for PPP Project Procurement Coordination Meetings
  35. Auditing of PPP Project Procurement Processes, Data & Documents
  36. Real Time & Proactive Procurement Performance Reporting & Management Decision Insights
  37. Building PPP Project Procurement Process & Management Competencies
  38. Management Commitment for Effective & Efficient PPP Project Procurement Management
  39. Minimum Agenda & Methodology for PPP Procurement Phase Periodic Reviews
  40. Communicating & Coordinating with Project Stakeholders
  41. Developing PPP Project Procurement Performance Scorecards & KPIs
  42. Communication & Knowledge Transfer to Implementation Team
  43. Program Recommendations
  44. Customized Action Plan for Participant



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